City News

City’s Comprehensive Plan Approved by DCA and ARC

Stonecrest's Comprehensive Plan was recently approved by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and the Atlanta Regional Commission. The city had an August 2019 deadline to develop an approved 20-year Comprehensive Plan. Labeled 'Comprehensive Plan 2038', the document guides the city's look and feel for current and future developments. It is scheduled for a council vote on February 25, 2019.

The city will be awarded a Qualified Local Government designation once the council approves the plan. This designation will allow the city to impose development impact-fees, participate in certain DCA Programs like the community development block grants, loan guarantees (Section 108), local development funds, and programs administered by other state departments like the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

"The next step will be for city staff to revise the current zoning ordinances to match the approved comprehensive plan," said Nicole Dozier, the city's community development director.

Citizens input was an integral part of the plan. A series of vision meetings were held to discuss the city's needs, opportunities, vision and desired character areas, according to Mary Darby, Director of Planning and Economic Development for the Collaborative Firm, a consultant retained by the city to assist with the plan. The first meeting was held on April 16, 2018, and allowed residents to identify the three greatest assets of the city which included easy access to I-20 and the greenspace offered at Arabia Mountain.

"A city's comprehensive plan is not a part of an average citizen's normal conversation. This does not denounce its importance, however. It is paramount to understand what a comprehensive plan is and its significance in the life of everyone within a given city, be they homeowners, lawmakers, business owners, or commuting workers," said Darby.

"This approval brings the city one step closer to its vision of becoming a world-class city. We have worked on this for years and finally we have a comprehensive plan that will take us from now to 2038. It encompasses a complete economic development plan which included tourism of Arabia Mountain, our commercial and industrial development and the maintenance of high-quality homes," Mayor Jason Lary said.

City's Comprehensive Plan Approved by DCA and ARC
