City Calendar

Special-Called Meeting (Board of Zoning Appeals)

Start Date

7/28/2020 06:00 PM
End Date

7/28/2020 08:00 PM
Join us for a public hearing on two (2) variance petitions. The meeting will be held virtually via the Meeting can be view on the City of Stonecrest Youtube page. Citizens wishing to make public comment can come to City Hall and make comments on a laptop running the Zoom application at the podium in Council Chambers
Residents have the option of joining the meeting in person at city hall or viewing it live on the city's YouTube channel.

Social distancing policies will be in place for everyone attending the meeting at city hall.

Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Time: 6 p.m.

View live meeting on YouTube:

Submit public comments in person or via email to:

The following Variance Petition located within the City of Stonecrest is scheduled for a Public Hearing as stated above. 

LAND USE PETITION:               V-20-001
PETITIONER:            Jose Ayala   
LOCATION:             2193 Panola Road
CURRENT ZONING:            C-1 (Local Commerical)     

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:      To encorach into the rear yard setback and transitional buffer for development of commercial building.

LAND USE PETITION:               V-20-002
PETITIONER:            Lashley Tractors  
LOCATION:             6953 Covington Hwy
CURRENT ZONING:            C-1 (Local Commercial)      
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:      Request to exceed maximum ground sign height and sign development standards.
