Paving Program


The City of Stonecrest has been paving the City Streets since 2019.

The city utilizes annual SPLOST allocation and Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) administered by Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to resurface city streets.

The city hired a contractor to perform conditional assessments of all City streets in 2020. The City completed an independent assessment of the City’s pavement infrastructure, performed by Transystems. The assessment provides a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for each road segment. A PCI score is on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the highest. A segment is the part of a road between two intersections. This Pavement Condition Index is a weighted average of Roughness Index and Surface Distress Index. That means that some roads appear to be in worse condition to a naked eye may have a higher PCI index than other roads that look in better condition, based on roughness and distress.

The pavement list is prioritized based on the Pavement Condition Index in addition to the potential traffic volume on each road, which can make some roads with higher PCIs result in worse conditions in the very near future.

The city is in the process of completing the 2022 Street resurfacing. The city also selected a contractor to perform 2023 Street resurfacing. Once the 2023 Street resurfacing is completed, the city will secure a qualified firm to perform street assessment of the entire city streets.

The City of Stonecrest prioritized the major arterial and collector streets in the 2021. The city paved some local streets and mainly major arterials and collector streets in 2019 and 2020. The city shifted the focus on local streets and included only local streets in 2022. The city will be using remaining SPLOST funds on local streets till 2024. The city is anticipating the SPLOST II will be approved by the voters and the funds will be available to resurface additional local streets from 2025 – 2031.

Instead of arbitrarily choosing the roads for annual paving, the City of Stonecrest intends to implement the Technical Report and the PCI numbers from the street assessment prepared by the independent professional firm, based on funds appropriated by Council in each December for the next Fiscal Year.

2024 Paving Program

2024 Paving Program Underway

Previous Paving Program Information

2023 Paving Program - Completed
2022 Paving Program Package 1 - Completed
2022 Paving Program Package 2 - Completed
2022 Paving Program Package 3 - Completed
2022 Paving Program Package 4 - Completed
2021 Paving Program - Completed
2020 Paving Program - Completed
2019 Paving Program - Completed
Street Resurfacing Status With PCI
2023 Pavement Evaluation and Analysis Report DRAFT APRIL 12, 2024
