TIPS Committee

The mission of the T.I.P.S. Committee is to address policy and proposals in the areas of transportation, infrastructure, parks and SPLOST through recommendations of legislative actions to the City Council. The Committee shall provide as necessary and appropriate advice, reviews, reports and recommendations to the City Council on comprehensive activity and areas of immediate concern in Transportation, Infrastructure, Parks and SPLOST.

The T.I.P.S. Committee shall be composed of all councilmembers. The Mayor, City Manager, Director of Parks and City Engineer shall be ex-officio members.

Current Members

Councilmember George Turner, Chair

Councilmember Tara Graves, Co-Chair

Councilmember Tammy Grimes

Concilmember Terry Fye

Councilmember Alecia Washington

Ex Officio Members

Jazzmin Cobble, Mayor

Gia Scruggs, City Manager


George Turner
