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The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting was awarded, for the second time, to the City of Stonecrest by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA).
May 05, 2020
City hall is closed to all physical traffic. All transactions must be conducted either digitally or via the postal service. This precaution will remain in place until further notice.
March 18, 2020
Stonecrest, GA – Mayor Jason Lary announced today that city hall will be closed to the public starting Monday, March 16, 2020 for at least two weeks as a coronavirus precaution.
March 13, 2020
Mayor Jason Lary and the members of the Stonecrest Housing Authority and the Stonecrest Development Authority are heading to the bank with their first checks.
March 12, 2020
A discussion on the safety and well-being of our youth was one of many topics discussed Saturday at the Jared's Heart of Success, Inc's., Prevention of Violence Awareness Day.
February 06, 2020