City News

Charter Change Notice

Charter Change Notice

This is to inform you that these charter change notices will be advertised for 60 days in The Champion Newspaper and will be on the city council agenda for public comment in October and November

August 30, 2018

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Mayor Lary Guiding Transit Developments to Stonecrest

Mayor Lary Guiding Transit Developments to Stonecrest

New public transportation options are coming to Stonecrest, and greater DeKalb County! Mayor Jason Lary forms part of the project management team tasked with identifying and developing public transportation initiatives.

August 15, 2018

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Stonecrest's Full Feature in Crossroads News

Stonecrest's Full Feature in Crossroads News

The in-depth feature highlights the city's accomplishments, current direction and future plans.

August 08, 2018

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Jacobs’ Intern Program Gives 13 Local Students Government Experience

Jacobs’ Intern Program Gives 13 Local Students Government Experience

Jacobs' Intern Initiative is a two-month (June 13 – August 24) summer program for local Georgia university/college students to receive practical training within their field of study.

July 05, 2018

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Mayor Lary Halts 'Party House' Events

Mayor Lary Halts 'Party House' Events

In an effort to crack down on all of the illegal house parties that have been taking place here in Stonecrest, I have ordered our Code Enforcement Manager, Al Ferrell, along with his entire staff, to identify and shut down these events before they begin.

June 26, 2018

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